Ars Poetica by Horace
An Essay on Ars Poetica Around the first century BC the center of literary and cultural activity shifted from Alexandria to Rome . With the Augustan era, there dawned a golden age of poetry amd literary criticism. This age was made brilliant by the achievements of Virgil, Ovid, Tribulles and Horace. Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65BC-8BC) also known as Horace was the leading Roman poet during the time of Augustus. At the age of twenty he went to Athens for study but he joined the army of Brutus . Virgil and Varius , who were attracted to his poetry, introduced him to Maecenas . This meeting proved a turning point in the career of Horace. He devoted himself to Muse thereafter to the writing of poetry. After Virgil's death, he was virtually a Poet Laureate . He died peacefully as a bachelor on 27th November, 8BC. Horace was a poet of repute. His literary opus include: Satires, Epodes, Odes, Carmen Saeculare, Epistles and Ars Poetica or Epistle to the Pisos . The most frequent t...