
Showing posts with the label Aristotle

Imitation in Aristotle's Poetics

 An Essay on Imitation, Poetics by Aristotle Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the classical period in ancient Greece. He was a great genius who is supposed to have written about 400 books. He was the student Plato and teacher of Alexander. He was the founder of Lyceum,  the peripetetic school of philosophy. He made significant contribution in the form of  treatise. Some of his greatest treatise are: Politics, Metaphysics, On the Soul, The Alexander, Rhetoric, Dialogues, On Monarchy,  Education Ethics, Natural History, Physics and Poetics . Most of his works are not traceable. Even one of his greatest works 'Poetics' is not available in original form; only a translation of "Poetics" is available. The "Poetics" is a fragmentary and incomplete work of Literary criticism. It deals with the tragedy, comedy and epic. In spite of its fragmentary nature 'Poetics' has come down to us as an authoritative treatise of the art ...