Such a Long Journey

 Such a Long Journey

Such a Long Journey (1991) is a novel by Rohinton Mistry. It was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and won several other awards. It explores the various aspects of India like culture, community, administration, society, life, and faith of the Parsi community.

                                                                            Such a Lonh Journey portrays the common lifestyle and anxiety of the Parsi community during to post independent India. The title of the novel has been taken from the poem /the Journey of Magi by T.S. Eliot.

The novel clearly explores the socio political issues which affect the lives of the characters and also the anxieties avout their future as minority people. Mistry has effectively interwined components of  Parsi society and religion in his writing.

The protagonist of the novel is a hard working bank clerk named Gustad Noble. He is a member of the Parsi community and struggling with poverty.


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