Women novelists in Victorian Era The Victorian Era is known for the galaxy of female novelists. Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell and George Eliot are in prime focus. They are also include Mrs. Trollope, Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Maroh, Mrs. Bray, Charlotte Younger, Miss Oliphant and still more. Charlotte Bronte's all the four novels The Professor, Vilette, Jane Eyre, Shirley reflect the stresses, tensions and conflicts of the society of Victorian Era. Her novels are without idealism, without false comforts, without any implication that power over their destinies. English novels reached its highest peak in the Victorian age. Among the women novelists Mrs. Gaskell claims to be one of the sole victims of the Victorian spirit. She published Mary Barton in 1848. She wrote to inform the prosperous middle classes, of just what was happening in their own country. Emily Bronte was a poet as well as novelist. Her only novel Wuthering Heights is a poem as we...